Corporate Governance means the regulatory framework for responsible and transparent management and supervision of a company in the company’s interest, and with the aim of sustained added value creation. Essential therefore is the consideration of the needs of the employees and shareholders as well as all other affiliated groups of the company (stakeholder).

With the German Corporate Governance Code (“Code”), the “Government Commission German Corporate Governance Code” (“Commission”) aims to make Germany’s rules regarding management and supervision of a company transparent for both national and international investors, customers, employees and the public thus strengthening confidence in the management of German corporations. The Commission adopted the Code on February 26, 2002. Since then, the Government Commission has followed the development of Corporate Governance in legislation as well as in practice and verifies at least once a year the necessity of aligning the Code. The new versions of the Code are published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) and can be downloaded from the website of the Commission.

WashTec understands Corporate Governance as a continuous process. Thus, WashTec AG’s management and supervisory boards regularly give their attention to satisfying the requirements of the Code and will attentively follow future developments. After careful consideration, WashTec AG decided not to implement all of the recommendations of the Code. Instead, the Company systematically applies Corporate Governance where it suits the size, type and structure of WashTec. However, in substantial respects, the recommendations and suggestions of the Code have been implemented.

Code of Conduct

Remuneration of Board of Management and Supervisory Board

Female Quota

Whistle-blower system

Tender of audit services