What is WashTec’s German stock exchange code and security code number?
WashTec’s German stock exchange code is WSU and its security code number is 750750.
When was WashTec founded?
The history of WashTec dates back to the year 1885. Back then, Hans Kleindienst founded the original company, called Kleindienst GmbH & Co. KG, in Augsburg. Many years later, a number of mergers produced California Kleindienst GmbH, which was by then already the leading manufacturer of car wash systems. In the year 2000, WESUMAT also a leading manufacturer of car wash systems, headquartered in Augsburg and California Kleindienst merged, creating what is now WashTec AG.
What is WashTec AG’s capital stock?
The capital stock of WashTec AG amounts to € 40,000,000 and is divided into 13,976,970 share certificates, which are all admitted to regular trade.
Does WashTec pay a dividend?
The Annual General Meeting 2023 resolved on 14 May 2024 to distribute a dividend of EUR 2.20 per share entitled to dividend.
Where can I buy WashTec shares?
WashTec shares can be bought through any German bank and savings bank.
Does WashTec have a stock option scheme?
There is currently no stock option scheme.
When was WashTec floated?
Wesumat Holding Aktiengesellschaft (today’s WashTec AG) floated on November 12, 1997 under the security code number 750750. The change of name from Wesumat Holding Aktiengesellschaft to WashTec AG took place after the acquisition of the California Kleindienst Group.
When is the next annual general meeting?
The Annual General Meeting of WashTec AG for the 2023 financial year will take place on 14 May 2024.
Are physical securities available?
No, there are no physical securities available.
What is WashTec’s free float?
Currently, 29.24% of the 13,976,970 non-par bearer shares are in free float.
What does WashTec AG’s shareholder structure look like?
Shareholder Structure
Source: Notifications pursuant to WpHG
1Alantra EQMC Asset Management, SGIIC, S.A. as investment management function of EQMC ICAV
2incl. Attributable shares to Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, United States of America
3Leifina GmbH & Co. KG et al.
4incl. attributable shares to Gerlin Participaties Coöperatief U.A., Netherlands, as its fund manager
5incl. attributable shares to Lazard Small Caps Euro, France
When will the next quarterly report be published?
A complete overview of future reporting dates can be found under Financial Calendar.
How can I obtain quarterly and annual reports?
Reports are currently available as pdf-file which you can find here.
Where can I find previous quarterly and annual reports?
Previous quarterly- and annual-reports can be found in Financial Reports.
How can I contact the IR team?
We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
For investor relations information, please contact:
Tel: +49 (0)821 – 55 84 – 5555
Fax: +49 (0)821 – 55 84 – 11 35
E-mail: ir@washtec.com
To which address should voting rights notifications be sent?
We kindly ask shareholders who are obliged to submit voting rights notifications to send their notification to the following e-mail address: ir@washtec.com
My address has changed. What do I have to do to continue to receive information from WashTec?
Please notify us briefly by e-mail and provide us with your new contact details.You can also do this using our online form.
In which companies does WashTec hold an equity interest?
WashTec AG is the holding company of the WashTec Group. The WashTec Holding GmbH provides financial and personel services for the WashTec Group. WashTec Cleaning Technology GmbH is responsible for the development, manufacture, marketing and servicing of WashTec’s products. WashTec’s wash systems are manufactured in Augsburg and Recklinghausen, Germany.
WashTec Financial Services GmbH provides and arranges equipment leasing solutions.
WashTec Carwash Management GmbH is in charge of the procurement, rental and operation of car wash systems in the name and account of third parties and offers a broad range of related services.
The AUWA-Chemie GmbH produces and distributes carwash chemicals for carwashes.
International subsidiaries as well as exclusive dealers sell and service WashTec’s range of products around the world.
1 Control and profit (loss) pooling agreement
2 Profit transfer agreement
3 Including subsidiary WashTec Bilvask AS, Norway
4 WashTec Cleaning Technology GmbH 90%, WashTec Holding GmbH 10%
5 Includes subsidiary WTMVII Cleaning Technologies Canada,Inc., Canada
How many employees does WashTec have?
The WashTec Group currently employed around 1,700 employees.
In which markets does WashTec operate?
WashTec is a full-service provider of cleaning technology for cars, trucks and buses and a leading international manufacturer of vehicle wash systems. The company manufactures, markets and services a complete range of wash systems for cars and commercial vehicles. Through its international distribution and service network, WashTec offers its customers a broad range of services covering everything from standard maintenance to total facility management.
Geographically, WashTec has a presence in all major markets of the world.
What is WashTec’s growth strategy?
We offer our partners the best products, processes and services, which allow them to operate a successful car wash business. As a market and innovation leader with the best return on investment, we aim to provide the best offering in all market segments. Fast and efficient processes, entrepreneurial employees and a sound capital structure help us to achieve this goal.
Who are the members of the Supervisory Board?
The composition of our Supervisory Board can be read under Company.
Which banks have covered WashTec AG in their equity research?
11/2023 | Berenberg | Buy |
05/2024 | Hauck & Aufhäuser | Buy |
08/2024 | MM Warburg | Buy |
What differences result from the adoption of IAS for WashTec compared to HGB?
The consolidated financial statements compiled to IAS use different accounting and valuation methods – especially for leasing costs, taxes, pension provisions and goodwill – than those compiled to HGB.
Who are the company’s auditors?
At the annual general meeting on May 14, 2024, KPMG AG, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, were appointed as the auditors of the annual and consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2024.